Friday, March 1, 2013

Attack The Tool

In a measure sure to be drooled over by our gas guzzling, increasingly aggravated and violent driver class, the State of Ohio prepares to attack speed and red light cameras:

WKYC Populist Journalism

The Congressman intends to force the city to 'prove' safety has increased because of Traffic Cameras.

What a joke.

No police force can prove any safety measures in any other way than a comparison to the absence of it over time.

Shall we stop arresting people for assault to see if assault decreases, increases, or remains the same in 10 years?

The problem is speeding.

Unless the opponents can prove that an inordinate number are being falsely ticketed there is no reason to pull speed cameras other than the outrageous fees Xerox is charging.

A real improvement would be to use traffic monitors in concert with real live cops.


Battle in my regressive state of Ohio heating up:

It's Official


Please sign this petition at the Ohio Traffic Safety Coalition:

Petition for Safety

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